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Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


Whatever you need to finish the race, God has already provided.

Marathon runners are known for their endurance-they train, they master the habit of discipline, and they persevere through pain. Fortunately, even marathons end. If you have picked up this book, you are likely running a marathon of your own-the marathon of ministry leadership.

The Endurance Factor will transform you into a ministry athlete! In this book, Lead Pastor Greg Surratt and Pastor of Leadership Care Chip Judd of Seacoast Church provide ministry leaders with practical wisdom and hope to help them finish the race strong with a captivating double narrative.


Join The Circle Community today for your free digital version, or purchase your hardback copy for $25 today. You may also find the Kindle version on Amazon

The Endurance Factor - Read
The Endurance Factor - Podcast


Living well and finishing strong doesn't just happen. It takes a plan as well as discipline and effort. 


Tune in as Pastor Greg Surratt and Pastor Chip Judd, who is also a therapist, share lessons learned over the decades on what it takes to gain and hold on to the endurance factor. 


Both hosts spend a lot of their time helping pastors across the country find their endurance factor and, episode by episode, share their learnings and experiences.


Find the Endurance Factor on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. 

Counseling & Mentorship

In conjunction with our partners, Full Strength Network, The Pastors Collective seeks to provide ministry leaders with accessible, affordable counseling and mentorship.


The Full Strength Network exists to help ministry leaders discover and realize wellbeing through richer spiritual health, deeper relationships and increased leadership capacity. 


Because of You

Because of your continued support, The Pastors Collective is able to provide the Retreat at Church Creek free of charge for our pastors. 


Sponsor a pastor’s four-day retreat or learn more about how you can help us serve 10,000 ministry leaders by 2027.   

The Pastors Collective - Renew

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